Beyond The Scoreboard featuring the Warriors Basketball Academy

In this first episode of 2021, Beyond The Scoreboard features the Golden State Warriors and their Warriors Basketball Academy. Learn how the Warriors Basketball Academy is making basketball training available to all kids, regardless of their location or finances.

Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA

“We really felt like it was our role to have a hand in shaping youth basketball in the Bay Area. “ Jeff Addiego, Golden State Warriors

Warriors Basketball Academy, which encompasses the organization’s youth basketball efforts across the Bay Area, recently unveiled significant upgrades to their headquarters located at the Warriors’ former practice facility in downtown Oakland, including the addition of Shoot 360 technology.

UNRIVALED visits with the Golden State Warriors and learns about the new Warriors Basketball Academy and the team’s deep commitment to youth basketball over the past 20-years.

Podcast below:

Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA
Credit: Golden State Warriors, Warriors Basketball Academy, NBA




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